Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) in Islam, Mariam (Mary, mother of Jesus) and Muslims
Muslim beliefs and traditions still remain a mystery to many non-Muslims. Non-Muslims, especially Christians, are often surprised to discover that Muslims also believe in Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).
Muslims are required by Allah (SWT) to believe in all of the Prophets. These include Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) and Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) peace be upon them. The Noble Qur'an, the Islamic holy book, also instructs Muslims to believe in the books revealed to every Prophet as well. The book given to Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) is called Injeel in the Noble Qur'an.
According to the Noble Qur'an, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of Allah's (SWT) most beloved messengers, a precursor to Prophet Muhammad (61:6) and was sent to guide the Children of Israel. In the Noble Qur'an, stories about the life and teachings of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) are abundant. The Noble Qur'an recalls his miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he performed by Allah's (SWT) permission, and his life as a great prophet of Allah (SWT). The Noble Qur'an speaks of Mariam (Mary) not only as the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him), but as a righteous woman in her own right.
10 brief points Christians should know about Jesus and Muslims: Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)
Muslims are required by Allah (SWT) to believe in all of the Prophets. These include Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) and Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) peace be upon them. The Noble Qur'an, the Islamic holy book, also instructs Muslims to believe in the books revealed to every Prophet as well. The book given to Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) is called Injeel in the Noble Qur'an.
According to the Noble Qur'an, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of Allah's (SWT) most beloved messengers, a precursor to Prophet Muhammad (61:6) and was sent to guide the Children of Israel. In the Noble Qur'an, stories about the life and teachings of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) are abundant. The Noble Qur'an recalls his miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he performed by Allah's (SWT) permission, and his life as a great prophet of Allah (SWT). The Noble Qur'an speaks of Mariam (Mary) not only as the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him), but as a righteous woman in her own right.
10 brief points Christians should know about Jesus and Muslims: Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)
- Muslims love Jesus. We also love Abraham, Moses, and Noah, to name just a few other Prophets Muslims revere. May God's peace be upon all of these great messengers of God.
- Muslims also love the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary. We believe she was a pious and noble woman chosen over all of the women of the world.
- Muslims believe that Jesus was born miraculously of a virgin mother and no father. His birth is miraculous like the birth of Adam, the first human being, who was created with neither mother nor father.
- Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. God is so powerful and self-sufficient that He does not need a son or any kind of partner.
- In Arabic Bible the name for God is Allah. Therefore all Arab Christian call God Allah as Muslim do as well.
- Jesus did not die on the cross. Rather, God saved him as his enemies were confused about him. Jesus was taken up by God to Heaven.
- Jesus is called Isa (pronounced Eesa) in Arabic.
- Jesus performed miracles by the Will of God, like healing the blind and those with leprosy.
- Jesus prayed to the same God as all Prophets and we pray to.
- Jesus will return before the end of the world.