Mooz-lum is a 2010 American independent film written and directed by Qasim "Q" Basir and starring Danny Glover. Mooz-lum (i.e. "Muslim") tells the story of an African American Muslim family whose lives are changed by the September 11 attacks and their aftermath.
Amid a strict Muslim rearing and a social life he has never had, Tariq Mahdi (Evan Ross) enters college confused.
New peers, family and mentors help him find his place, but the 9/11 attacks force him to face his past and make the biggest decisions of his life.
Amid a strict Muslim rearing and a social life he has never had, Tariq Mahdi (Evan Ross) enters college confused.
New peers, family and mentors help him find his place, but the 9/11 attacks force him to face his past and make the biggest decisions of his life.