Education - Kasvatus
Education is at the core of what we do and how we do it.We believe that a strong foundation, based on inclusive education, is the path to a better world. We provide safe environments for exploration and a base for diverse groups of people to learn together.
Musliminuori elää Suomessa varsin erilaista elämää kuin ns. muslimimaassa: kodin seinien sisäpuolella vanhemmat kasvattavat nuoresta muslimia, mutta ympäröivä maailma ei tue hänen henkistä kehitystään. Jos vanhemmat eivät osaa tai jaksa auttaa musliminuorta eteenpäin, hänen täytyy tukeutua muihin – yleensä ei-muslimien – tukiverkostoihin.
What teachers make
Videos featuring performance poet Taylor Mali’s “What does a Teacher make?” have been circulating the Internet world like wildfire – perhaps in no circles more frequently than those made up of teachers or those who love teachers. Though he now travels widely working as a spoken word and voiceover artist, Mr. Mali previously spent nine years working as a teacher at the middle school, high school and college level, and his brutally honest poem strikes a chord with teachers from all walks of life. To the parents ...It is important that parents realize their role as a primary carer of the children. Schools can only do as much and often they have their hands full. Parents must come forward to contribute in their schools and make themselves available for the growth of the school. This includes being part of the "Parents Council", suggesting areas of improvements, helping school eliminate truancy, anti-social behavior. You must contact your school and check if there is anything you can do for them.
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